The ERA Chair team is involved in the project for the Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions in carrying out the analysis and compiling the European Interoperability Landscape Report 2023.
Over the past years, the European Commission has actively enabled and promoted cross-border data exchange across Member States. In the proposed study, ECePS will describe the current status and implementation of European cross-border data exchange initiatives and assess and discuss the future outlook of European cross-border digital public services. The study would explore end compare initiatives in relation to their ambition, timeline, approaches they use, and organisational and policy networks in which these initiatives are embedded.
The primary focus of the proposed study will be on the International Data Spaces Association (IDSA), Gaia-X and Smart Middleware Platform (Simple). In the study, the relations between these initiatives and data space initiatives and the organisations involved in them will be described. Furthermore, relations and dependencies between the Single Digital Gateway (with a special focus on the Once-Only Technical System OOTS and national data exchange solutions) and the eDelivery building block will be identified and analysed to reflect on future developments of European cross-border digital public services and digital public service delivery.
Lead researcher: Vincent Homburg
Project manager: Carsten Schmidt
Project period: August - December 2023