
Professor Vincent Homburg
ECePS ERA Chair in e-Governance and Digital Public Services.
Professor of e-governance at the University of Tartu;
Programme manager for 'Politics and Governance in the digital era' Master's Programme in the Skytte Institute.  See more at ETIS.

Dr Mihkel Solvak
Head of the Centre or IT Impact Studies.
Member of ECePS Supervisory Board and ECePS Project Coordinator.
Vice dean for research and development at the Faculty of Social Sciences

Deputy head for development of Johan Skytte Institute of political Studies, and associate professor in technology studies focusing on e-service usage and electronic voting. See more at ETIS.  

CITIS Research Group

President Toomas Hendrik Ilves
Visiting Professor of democracy in digital age

David Dueñas Cid
Researcher on e-governance. See more at ETIS. 

Carsten Schmidt
Analyst. See more at ETIS. 

Dmytro Khutkyy

Research fellow on e-governance. Project coordinator for CIVIC project. See more at ETIS.

Art Alishani
JRF on e-governance and e-democracy
Topic: Harnessing the potential of algorithms and intelligent technologies to build robust and human-centric public administrations: Cross-border digital public services

Biao He
JRF on e-governance and e-democracy
Topic: E-governance for all: How does the Chinese local government bridge the digital divide that persons with disabilities experience in the use of e-governance services?

Bogdan Romanov
JRF on e-governance and e-democracy
Topic: Electronic voting in Russia: the scrutiny of ‘e-voting’ in an authoritarian context

Logan Emily Carmichael
JRF on e-governance and e-democracy
Topic: Cybersecurity Uplift in the Estonian Digital Governance Model, 2007-2021

Stefan Dedovic

JRF on e-governance and e-democracy
Topic: Interoperability governance of the cross-border mobile electronic identification

CITIS Data Analytics Group

Andres Võrk
Analyst and Lecturer in Econometrics  See more at ETIS.

Taavi Unt
Analyst.  See more at ETIS.

Annegrete Molloka

Peeter Leets

Administrative staff

Elis Vollmer
Communication manager in the ECePS ERA chair. 

Varje Kuut
Administrative specialist in the ECePS ERA Chair. 

Kerli Klock 
Project assistant in the ECePS ERA chair. 

ECePS Supervisory Board

Piret Ehin
Member of ECePS Supervisory Board.
Deputy head for research of Skytte Institute, professor in comparative politics. See more at ETIS.

Helen Eenmaa
Member on the ECePS Supervisory Board.
Associated Professor in Governance and Legal Issues, Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies. See more at ETIS. 

Kadri Ukrainski
Member on the ECePS Supervisory Board.
Professor in research and innovation policy, the School of Economics and Business Administration. See more at ETIS.

Liisa Talving
Member on the ECePS Supervisory Board.
Research fellow in public administration, programme coordinator for 'Politics and Governance in the digital era' Master's Programme in the Skytte Institute. See more at ETIS. 

Maili Vilson
Member on the ECePS Supervisory Board.
Deputy head for academic affairs of Skytte Institute. See more at ETIS    

Marlon Dumas
Member on the ECePS Supervisory Board.
Professor of information systems, Institute of Computer Science. See more at ETIS.